

胜利 & 飙升 Program is a minority retention program, designed to increase the number of minority students completing from 电子竞技竞彩平台. 该倡议提供学术支持, 一对一的Mentorship和Mentorship, 职业探索与发展, community service projects and assistance in transitioning to a four-year institution or into the 工作force.


  • Help students of color realize and understand their potential and goals despite perceived social and cultural barriers.
  • Create a collegial environment that will help to develop a sense of trust and encouragement.
  • 保留特里顿学院的有色人种学生.
  • Increase the certificate/ degree completion and/ or transfer rates of student scholars at 电子竞技竞彩平台.
  • Guidance: 援助ing students to their purpose and path.


As a result of being in the program the students will be able to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the following skills

  • 〇情绪管理 学生 will be able to demonstrate when they need help and seek it, 为行动承担责任, and appreciate hard moments' purpose in their development.
  • 解决冲突—— 学生 will be able to demonstrate appreciation of and respect for diverse communities, the ability to understand the consequences of their actions and apply different techniques of resolution.
  • 领导力和个人发展 Activities and 工作shops provided will help expand the capacity of individuals to perform in leadership roles within organizations.
  • 〇时间管理 学生 will be able to identify best practices in setting up appointments, 守时的重要性, 以及有效利用时间的优势.
  • 〇金融知识 学生 will be able to make informed and effective financial decisions through the understanding of their finances.
  • 〇利用资源 学生 will be able to engage in critical self-reflection and make choices in their own best interest, 从各种来源收集信息, and make informed choices regarding both their personal and professional lives.
  • 〇设定目标 学生 will be able to understand the importance of goal setting and planning for a successful future.
  • 写作/公开演讲 学生 will be able to demonstrate the importance of appropriate speaking and writing styles based on the setting and audience, and recognize communication is essential for impressions.
  • 自知之明, 学生 will be able to create a positive vision of self, engage in opportunities for self-improvement and growth, appreciate and respect individual differences, and exhibit confidence when confronted with new information that is unknown and unexamined.

Participants will have the option and opportunity to be paired with a Mentor for the duration of the program. Program advisors will match students based on goals, 生活方式, 个性, 教育, 工作经验. Mentors will provide support, guidance, and encouragement to participants and scholars of 胜利&飙升.


  • 学生计划: Discussion of academic, career/transfer, and financial plans.
  • 服务活动: 校内和校外活动.
  • 文化活动
  • 铀浓缩活动
  • 大学访问: Local in and out of state visits and presentations
  • 会议: 国家、地区和地方
  • 公司旅游: Industry Tours make a big difference in the career development journey for students by helping them visualize their own futures.
  • 理财知识/理财
  • 劳动力与职业发展
  • Become mentors to local high school and middle school students (thereby creating a pipeline to 电子竞技竞彩平台)


  • 特里顿学院少数族裔学生
  • Enrolled in a Minimum of 3 College Credit Hours
  • 在学院有良好的信誉


电子邮件: surgeandtriumph@azarnewsonline.com


  • 学生支援计划主任: 斯蒂芬妮·汤森,房间- B240C,分机. 3795
  • 胜利 & 顾问: Delettre Massey,房间- B240F, Ext. 3598
  • 胜利 & 增加顾问安德烈·鲍勃——房间 b - 240 g, Ext. 3752



Join Triumph and Surge to experience a whole new way of achieving your goals in life. Complete the Triumph and Surge application to signup.






Mentors provide intentional guidance and support at a critical age and point in the 教育al pathway for 胜利与激荡 scholars. 导师帮助构建通往成功的道路, helping scholars navigate transitions into school, 工作, 和成年. Mentor activities are designed to ensure that mentors are recruited, 筛选, 训练有素的, 匹配, 发起, 监控, and supported in building productive mentoring relationships with scholars.

We are seeking prospective mentors who are apart of local businesses, 社区领袖, 当地官员, 地方政府机构, 社区组织, 社区活动, 信仰组织, 专业协会, 兄弟组织, and other places that prospective mentors may frequent.

Selected mentors will be provided with a New Mentor Orientation as an overview of the 胜利/飙升 program and provides mentors with the knowledge, 的态度, and skills necessary to build effective mentoring relationships. Listed below are some of the traits and responsibilities of a prospective mentor. If you can do the following, we invite you to complete a Mentor application.


  • 作为榜样
  • Give feedback to the mentee on their goals, situations, plans and ideas
  • 创造一个相互支持和信任的环境
  • 为你的学员安排不受干扰的时间
  • 积极倾听和提问
  • Encourage your mentee by giving positive reinforcement
